Note: Today’s blog is the first one to be posted in the “Bill’s Blog” category  in over a year. My 5-24-2013 post was titled, “It’s Time to Reorganize.” Well, that never happened. Changing the number of blog categories made things more complicated; however, as of today, the number of different categories has been reduced from 15 to 8. (See the list on the right side of this page.)

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This coming weekend will be the 21st anniversary of my moving to Petaluma in 1993. Both Connie and I have peasant memories of our retirement years in our favorite river town. One activity that I still enjoy is serving as a volunteer blogger for the Argus-Courier on its Petaluma360 Internet site.

 I have posted over 550 blogs since March 3, 2006, using various different themes or categories. A few of these categories relate to the history of Petaluma and the community leaders who have contributed to the growth and development of our favorite “River Town.” Recently, I have focused on the following themes: Petaluma History, the Petalumans of Yesteryear, Then & Now, the Sages of Petaluma, and Remembering Bill Soberanes.

The main source of information for many of these blogs is our community’s “treasure chest,” the Petaluma Historical Museum at 4th & B Streets. The Hoppy Hopkins Research Library on the second floor is loaded with “golden nuggets” of maps, oral histories, biographical files, and historic books.  Earlier this month, a new category was added – “Guest Bloggers,” who have submitted their own personal memories of living, working, playing, and growing up in Petaluma.

Stay tuned by checking in weekly for future “Our River Town” blogs They may be read online, free of charge, at:









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