Almost a decade ago, this blog site initiated a category titled, “Emergency Preparedness” which now consists of over 130 blogs. The various posts trace how the Petaluma CERT program (Community Emergency Preparedness Teams) could help neighborhoods become better prepared and ready to cope with a major earthquake such as an earthquake. At one time, 24 of the 120 CERT course graduates were licensed FCC amateur radio operators (Hams), and conducted periodic citywide field exercises that included radio contact with the City’s EOC (Emergency Operation Center) and the local Salvation Army radio room. After the City dropped its sponsorship of CERT in 2012, a small group of the former CERT Hams revived the emergency communications component, now called
Neighborhood HamWatch Net, and is currently conducting weekly radio check-ins, as well as monthly face-to-face meetings.

Several of the NHW Network Hams are also active members of other community emergency radio teams such as the Sonoma County Auxiliary Community Service (ACS), the Sonoma County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES), and the Salvation Army Team Radio Network (SATERN). The objectives of the NHW Network is to: (1) provide simple conversational contact with other Hams in the various Petaluma neighborhoods, (2) establish two-way communications with local government Emergency Operation Centers (EOC’s), and (3) provide Internet messaging service for neighbors to distant relatives. For more detailed NHW information, go to:

Any local Ham may participate in these weekly Petaluma check-ins on Tuesday nights at 2000 Hours (8:00 p.m.) on 146.910 -PL 88.5 and Simplex 146.535 MHz. If you are interested in participating in local neighborhood exercises or have any questions, please contact Bill Hammerman, KI6GOO, by e-mail at

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