Another personal twilight moment: one that I hope will be one of  “historical significance.” Coincidently, it occurred the day after another event of “historical significance” in the history of our nation – the United Sates of America. Why have I repeated the use of the phrase “historical significance” four times, so far, in today’s blog?

Regular readers know that my recent theme for this blog site titled, “Our River Town” has focused on the historical treasure chest that our local Historical Library and Museum is … and has been since 1976.  One example is the “historical significance” of the recent celebration of our nation’s birthday, July 4, 1776. It is “historical significant,” not only because of the “Let Freedom Ring National Bell Ringing Ceremony” proclamation approved by Congress in 1963, but because Helen Putnam initiated this Petaluma tradition, one year earlier in 1962; and has been continued by the Petaluma Museum Association since  her death in 1984.

I plan to add the term “historical significance” as a new theme for this blog site that will capture the stories of local residents who will step up to the plate and serve as guest bloggers. In this way, the significance of Petaluma history will gain greater significance because its authors will represent all sectors of “Our River Town’s ” history: education, business, non-profits, churches, health & welfare organizations.

This will not be the first time that “guests” have posted blogs. There have been seven, to date, and they may be accessed by clicking on the “Guest Blogger” category link in the right hand column.

#1 – Dining in Petaluma in the ’60s,’70s,’80s and ’90s. (Lew Baer, 4/27/2014)

#2 – Guglie Telephone Company.  (Jack Withington, 5/3/2014)

#3 – Tom Yoneda (Jack Withington, 5/15/2014)

#4 – Flag Raising on Iwo Jima and the Petaluma Connection (Jack Withington, 5/18/2014)

#5 – Itegration Doomed Sonoma County’s Poultry Industry (Jack Withington, 5/25/2014)

#6 – Communists in Petaluma (Jack Withington, 6/4/2014)

#7 – Happy Birthday (Al McClymonds, 7/4/2014)

Stay tuned for additional Guest Bloggers.



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