As we continue to highlight key emergency preparedness questions, we assume you read the American Red Cross suggestions to the previous blog, “Are You Ready?” This post asks yet, two more basic question, “Are you prepared?” Interpret this question to mean “prepared” as the result of emergency “training” activities you have been involved with recently … courses, workshops, practice drills. For example: Have you or any of your neighbors taken a CPR, AED, First Aid, or CERT course? Here are two online sites to help you find additional information for Sonoma County training opportunities:     (CPR, AED, First Aid)     (CERT)

Question #2How “Much” will Petaluma Shake?

Click on and follow instructions to see this map ….

Earthquake Hazard Map for Petaluma
Scenario: Rodgers Creek segment of the Hayward-Rodgers Creek Fault System

These intensity maps are not intended to be site-specific. Rather, they depict the general risk within neighborhoods and the relative risk from community to community.

Stay tuned for the final emergency preparedness question, “Can we communicate?”

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