Yesterday, I participated in three meetings where Cyber “stuff” was discussed or demonstrated. Someone turned to me and said, You call yourself a Volunteer Cybernaut. What do they do? Exactly what is a cybernaut? Hmmmm, I thought – that’s a blog topic.


 We are all familiar with the word astronaut – n. “someone trained to travel and perform tasks in space.” OK, that’s simple enough. So, what does the word cyber mean? If one checks the dictionary; in this case, the Microsoft Encarta College Dictionary, which claims to be the first dictionary for the Internet Age, you’ll find – cyber – prefix – “computers and information systems.” That makes sense; but what’s “naut?” … naut – nautical – “pertaining to navigation.” I get it! A cybernaut is “someone trained to navigate using computers and information systems. Right! But where?


 How about cyberspace – “that realm in which electronic information exists or is exchanged – the imagined world of virtual reality.” WOW! That’s a mouthful. Let’s keep it simple. How about this explanation found on a web site located in Petaluma, Cyberville-USA


Like the early Greek navigators of boats … Cybernauts are individuals who travel in cyber space and encourage others to communicate with each other via the Internet.

Cybernauts are dedicated to the promotion of the greater use of information and communication technology in all sectors of their local communities: education, government, business, health,and non-profit community benefit organizations.

Cybernauts believe that the creation of a telecommunity or a Cyber City is as much a community enhancing and development project as it is a technology initiative.


Hence, our motto: Think globally about Cyberspace, but act locally in your Cyberplace.”

On Our Radar Screen: There were three meetings, yesterday. What about the others? What happened? What was discussed or demonstrated? There will be more Cyber “stuff” in future blogs. Stay tuned.

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