Why would a Cybernaut ask such a question? What is he doing on the tennis court, when he should be sitting in front of his computer clicking here, surfing there, and sharing information over the Internet?

A comment posted to yesterday’s blog from Frank Simpson, one of our community’s “neighborhood watchdogs,” didn’t throw me a “bone;” but he did step up to the plate and challenge me (as well as all our viewers), to comment on his remarks about our emerging and developing virtual world. To learn what he’s talking about; go back to yesterday’s blog (Miscellaneous #1 – Letter to the Editor), scroll down to his comments dated 13/04/2006. (Don’t let the European date format throw you.) But, please do add your thoughts to his comments.


Frank is one of many community members who have mastered the art of using ICT in order to promote a neighborhood cause and to motivate his fellow citizens to become involved. My purpose in “pushing” his comments is consistent with the 10 year mission of PetalumaNet and the Petaluma CyberCity Roundtable; i.e., to promote greater use of telecommunications and computer technology in order that we might achieve our stated mission and goals in a more effective and efficient manner-. AND to involve the citizens of the community. Now that the ball is “in our court,” what are going to do about it?

P.S. I must admit, I do like Frank’s I.D. name – “Petaluma Neighbor.” Let the game begin! Stay tuned.

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