Why would I post such a title to a blog about my personal life? Long time readers of my Argus-Courier blogs will recall that for the past several years I’ve been promising to “clean out the garage.” For example:

Bill’s Blog #16 (7-29-2006) – The time has come to … “Clean Out the Garage!”
#80 (5-11-2009) – Boxes or Treasure Chests?
#81 (6-4-2010) – All the Things We Collect
#82 (6-12-2010) – One box at a time
#91 (1-17-2012) – Guess what we found in the garage?
#93 (8-23-2013) – Mission Impossible … Revisited

I’m sorry to report that this task and these promises made over the years have not, yet, been fulfilled; but, we are making progress. Of the 32 file drawers stored in the garage, 15 have been emptied. Over the past three weeks our blue disposal bin has been filled with all the papers and newspaper articles I’ve collected. Several of these “treasures” that have been re-discovered have not been discarded, but “saved” for a later review. For instance, a few of my high school newspaper columns titled, “So What?” and my interview with Baltimore Sun Newspaper journalist, H.L. Menchen (1880-1956).. (And the list could go on.) Bottom line; we’re making progress.

One other personal item I would like to highlight is the fact that we are coming up on the 20th anniversary of our moving to Petaluma over the last weekend in May 1993. That story will be the focus of a future blog, later this month. Stay tuned.

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